Monday, 5 November 2012
if only...
Friday, 18 November 2011
the 'paneer' syndrome..
the ph(r)ase
On one of the chilliest winter night, while returning to his flat, Rajat got a call from his old school friend, Sunny who told him about his engagement with his girl friend. He thanked Rajat because of whom the couple met some 3years ago. The two old friends talked for about an hour or so. It was quite late, next day being a Saturday, Rajat thought of watching some movie. He took out some old DVDs of animated movies, but somehow picked one of his all time favorite romantic movie, PS I Love You. He went to the kitchen to get some snacks and then played the disc. While the DVD player took time to load the disc, he stared at the cover of the disc. The title made him nostalgic as the phrase had a lot in particular with his life.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
a salty but sweet love story.....
It was almost an hour and he was waiting for her. He was getting impatient and then he saw her coming...she was as beautiful as a picture. He became so much conscious that for the few moments he dint say anything to her and then randomly some shit. The girl became slightly uncomfortable. He was not able to manage the situation as he was a very shy kind of person and never faced such a situation before. Noticing her discomfort, he ordered for salt and then he put two teaspoon of salt into his coffee. She was shocked. Salt n Coffee..what a combination? Do u like this?
Yeah...!!! and there's a reason behind this. I used to live near a sea shore when I was a kid, I used to play with my friends on the shore, could feel the music of the waves, taste of sea water just like this salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee,I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there".
While saying that tears rolled down his cheeks. She was deeply touched as she was in front of someone who really cared about his family, loves home. This was an ice-breaker. She was no more in discomfort and she also narrated about her past, her town, her parents, her friends. The first meeting was a nice one. They continued dating.The girl slowly started liking him as he was a kind hearted, careful n jovial person. Every time they meet, he used to have the coffee and then 2 spoons of salt in it.
One final day they got married. Then the story was just like every beautiful love story,the princess married to the prince, then they were living the happy life...And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew that's the way he liked it.
After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said:
"My dearest, please forgive me for the only lie I told you for the whole life. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time that I ordered for salt instead of sugar and found very hard to change it. I never thought that could be the start of our communication. I tried telling you truth but every time dint muster the courage. But now I'm dying, I am afraid of nothing. I will tell you the truth:I don't like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life, since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life.If I can live for the second time, still want to know you and have you for my whole life, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again".
Her tears made the letter totally wet. Someday, someone asked her:what's the taste of salty coffee?
It's sweet. She replied.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Murphy and the diamond...
Well today..I m gonna write about a boy who lived in one of the less known village, Renaki….His name was Murphy. Murphy was 15yrs. old and studied in a school, about 15 kms from his home. In the course of his journey to school, there happened to be a small lake with a small patch of land right in the middle of it. Every day while returning, he used to sit near the banks and watch across the lake on to the island. There was something peculiar about that. It had a shining piece of a diamond to which he always aspired. But he never mustered the courage to cross the stream. His friends used to mock him about the desire of owning such a precious thing citing that many of the people have tried it and no one succeeded. But he was adamant that one day he would definitely reach the island and would hold the diamond. Though he could have used the boat to reach the land instead he wanted to swim across the stream on his own.
One fine day, he decided to swim across and see the diamond in close proximity. And then there he was ...astonishingly watching the sparkling stone on the top of a hill. He tried climbing up the hill but he was exhausted due to swimming. He made a firm resolution that he would definitely climb the hill someday. For this he daily used to swim across and gazed at the diamond endlessly from the distance. In a matter of couple of months, he had the stamina and now after crossing the stream, he was full with energy and enthusiasm. He then climbed atop the hill but what seemed to be just a hill turned into another strenuous way to reach his most desired thing. For the first time, he was feeling low in confidence. Then suddenly a strong wind blew the diamond and it just lied in a matter of couple of jumps. Murphy was shocked coz he never anticipated this in his wildest dreams. Was it something real?? As it was getting late, he returned home with a promise that next day he would be holding the world’s most beautiful thing..!!
Next day he returned but to his surprise, nothing was there. He ran helter-skelter but no clue. He returned back. Every day he used to look for it but all his efforts were in vain. It continued for many days and gradually he forgot about it but suddenly one day while going to school, he saw something shining at a distance. No, it can’t be. The diamond was back this time with more shine.. more elegance. He ran, swam, jumped and finally reached the place. But again a gush of wind took away the diamond from him. He again moved in its direction and again wind blew it away from him. It was as if the diamond or the wind wants to play with him. He was also enjoying but soon it became irritating and painful to him. He could no longer sustain the pain and one final day gave up. Slowly with time, the diamond lost its importance to him.
Murphy is a grown up adult now and is moving out of village. But he could never forget his triumph for diamond as for the first time in his life he had given a full hearted attempt to get something. He could have done a lot many things had he not attempted to get it. But still he has some feeling of achievement may be in terms of crossing the stream, climbing up the hill...!!!
“Hey Murphy, how is this diamond studded ring in my finger, isn’t it beautiful? Asked Jon, his new room mate.
“Ohh!! How can I judge, I never owned something of this type.” replied Murphy
Monday, 27 September 2010
don' want to want...
And they cut my thumb..
I wanted a glass of water
And my home got flooded..
I wanted some sunshine
And they wrecked my hut..
I wanted to dance
And they made me deaf..
I wanted to live
And they put me in morgue..
I wanted freedom
And they nailed my thoughts..
Now, I don’t want anything
And they are forcing me to die..!!!!
Monday, 30 November 2009
SIPping the LYF...
A disclaimer: These are my personal observations and is not meant to hurt anyone......
So started the Summers.......
Bt was it really for Bummers.
With an enthu for SIP of life...
walking on the edge of knife.
some passed d days sleep'g..
while a few cribbing......
sm were dre thru thick and thin....
& a few went wid an up chin..
Few dint have the puff of luck
With majority saying WTF...
Yet there was a bonding.....
Amidst the comps haunting........
wid me in the process still...
listening to the words 'just chill'....
From dusk to went on an on..
SIP 2010..has finally gone....
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
A knock from the memory lanes....
It was at around 2am in the morning when the party ended but we thought of staying at the venue for some more time and as always it just passed. It was 5 when we made a move. Winters had already started and it was dark but by the time we reached to our room.suraj k pehli....nahi I think do hazzar chey sau paintaliswi kiran had struck the surface.
In Bikaner, life kick starts in the early hours of morning so already few of the families have started their daily chorus. As me and Raju entered the lane of our PG, we saw two old ladies staring at us as if we were from a different planet. Actually they were right, after the party our condition was nowhere comparable to an ordinary human and as we moved a house or two further, another senior citizen had some nice thoughts on and for us.
Well things didn’t end here. As I opened the main gate of our PG, he was standing right there and OMG she too, gone big time. But how they and when but why.....?? A few One word questions were there and I was Googling them...lolzzz…Well here He and she are my landlord and landlady, RESPECTIVELY.
“So u guys enjoying too much of freedom”, She Said.
“Na Aunty....ham to bas…”, as always Raju was first to give justifications but this time nobody cared to listen..
“Shut up!!!..Is this the time to come? Where were you last night? Don’t you have any manners? Do you do the same stuff in Jaipur?” He shouted. Well there were few more which I don’t remember and don’t want to either but why only Jaipur..why not Mathura, gurrrr…..
“What were you guys upto that the people complained and called us here….”
“No Uncle. nothing as such. We just had dance practice here for the freshers party and nothing else and we were in the party only…last nig…”.
“Whatever. I don’t want to listen any complaints from now onwards else u can leave the flat”. He interrupted
We nodded and climbed the stairs. By the time many people have come to watch a free of cost show at 4E467.
As I was climbing, I saw the girl next door. Ohh!!! I mean the same girl (remember, last time I introduced her. NO! better u read blogs from start:) )nodding her head.
I thought she was trying to sympathize, so sweet of her. I mean atleast I have someone who think I am right. I have someone who will be my side all time. I have someone whom I can trust upon. I have someone…who…who.....Bang!!!!
“Abe...where the hell are u watching.”, Raju shouted.
I sat there on the step to regain my lost senses and stood up with a 1.5 cm diameter swelling on my forehead. The starting was bad and had no clue of what’s more in store for the rest of the day and only soother was SHE(the girl and not the landlady) and her concerns. :)
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Yesterday, half of the day went sleeping, rest went in surfing, movie, .epic theatre, SOP for Dracula committee and BC, BC bole to baat-chit. Next week,two big events;mid-term quizzes for BFA and Eco. It reminds me of the fame XL song “Sabka Katega....” to be very sure, the makers of this song had real fore-sightedness.
Coming back to quizzes; Yes! they have more or less become an event, never scored marks with such an economical perspective. Max. so far is 55%, don’t know what is happening but something needs to be changed drastically otherwise..... :( Today and tomorrow would be deciding day regarding the status of preparation for the quizzes.Presently facing with a big dilemma whether I should sleep or not because it’s already 5.30 am. Its very tough sometimes to decide on sleeping part which is one of the cheapest commodity one can ever get. But one good thing is that I am slowly adjusting to the environment as in staying awake late at nights and waking up late on weekends.
Saturday, 18 July 2009

...deadline...hah; I never had a chance to meet it in my life, this time the case was of submitting marketing prj before 12 midnight yesterday or to be more specific maximum by 11:59:59pm.
As always we were way behind of schedule or euphemistically, schedule was running way ahead of us, there were some serious apprehensions whether we will be able to meet deadline or not, though I dint have any doubts because of my experience.:)
and then there was an announcement of GBM to be followed by selection of CRs. We decided not to go for GBM but to go and cast our vote for CR selection as voting karna bahut jaruri hai, issay hame ek acha CR milega, jo apni jimmedariyan imandaari se poori naitikta k saath apna kartavya nibhaega.
Anyways we went for voting at around 10.45pm and thought of returning JJHS(jitna jaldi ho sake. But the selection program was a long procedure so got a laptop for finishing the work on time and then things started. On one side, it was CR candidate speaking with active DCP by a few and on other side, Marketing prj. Bomber was still scribing something. By this time, a few batchmates got to knew about the status of our assignment and then it was like.15 mins left....10 mins.....5 mins...bomber still typing. 1 min to go and I totally went crazy.
Countdown started....50 sec......30 sec....10 sec....and then attachment button went missing. Oh mistake, was nowhere in sight..oh then somehow found it and then the digital wall clock behind us showed 12 midnight. Dude we missed deadline again.
it was at 12:00:12. ”Send” button was clicked. ohh thank god! atleast we sent...oh no!!!! The mail is still in outbox, this is going way too messy but to our relief, it took a few more seconds to move from “Outbox” to “Sent” folder.
After returning to room,I checked my mailbox and boy guess what!!! the mail arrived in my mailbox at 11:59pm., we were in time, sounds more like filmy but it’s true.....!!!!
The deadline bug struck us again but this time somehow we managed; keeping fingers, legs, hands crossed for next time......!!!!